- Add Admin CSS
- Add Admin JavaScript
Admin Commenters Comments Count
Displays a count of each commenter's total number of comments (linked to those comments) next to their name on any admin page.
Admin Expert Mode
Allows users to hide inline documentation and help text that are geared for beginning users in the WordPress admin.
Admin Per Page Limits
Control the number of posts per page, pages per page, and comments per page that appear in the admin listings of posts, pages, and comments.
- Admin Post Navigation
- Admin Trim Interface
Allow Multiple Accounts
Allow multiple user accounts to be created, registered, and updated having the same email address.
- array_partition
Author Image(s)
Display image (if present) and/or name for the author of a post, or for all authors on the blog.
- Auto-hyperlink URLs
Blog Time
Display the time according to your blog via an admin toolbar widget, a sidebar widget, and/or a template tag.
Category Image(s)
Display an image for each category associated with a post.
- Commenter Emails
Configure SMTP
Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending email via SSL/TLS (such as Gmail).
- Custom Admin Post Listing
- Custom Fields For Anything
- Custom Post Limits
- Customizable Comment Listings
Customizable Post Listings
Display Recent Posts, Recently Commented Posts, Recently Modified Posts, Random Posts, and other post listings using the post information of your choosing in an easily customizable manner. You can narrow post searches by specifying categories and/or authors, among other things.
Disable Directory Listings
Prevent virtual directory listing services from listing the contents of directories, and/or show a page in place of a directory's listing.
Disable Search
Disable the built-in front-end search capabilities of WordPress.
Duplicate Widget
A widget that can act as a duplicate of another widget (for synchronized use in another sidebar)
- Dynamic Text Replace
Easy Post-to-Post Links
Easily create a link to another post using a shortcode to reference the post by id or slug; the link text is the post's title, unless overridden.
Expandable Dashboard Recent Comments
Enables in-place expansion of excerpts in the admin dashboard 'Comments' section of the 'Activity' widget to view full comments.
Extra Sentence Space
Force browsers to display two spaces (when present) between sentences.
Get Custom Field Values
Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for posts or pages.
- Get Upcoming or Past Posts
Get User Custom Field Values
Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for users.
Hide Broken Shortcodes
Prevent broken shortcodes from appearing in posts and pages.
Hide/Cut Post Text
Hide (so no one, or only users above a certain userlevel, can see) or cut (so only viewable on post's permalink page) portion(s) of post text. Link text for cuts can be defined per-cut or omitted, and if used, cut links are uniquely anchored. Quicktag buttons for the new tags facilitate use (but can be disabled).
HTML Special Characters Helper
Admin widget on the Add/Edit Post pages for inserting HTML encodings of special characters into the post.
If File Exists
Check if a file exists and return true/false or display a string containing information about the file.
Inject Query Posts
Facilitates injecting an array of posts into a WP query object as if queried. Particularly useful to allow use of standard template tags.
Last Contacted
Easily keep track of the last time you interacted with your contacts.
- Last Logins
Linkify Authors
Turn a string, list, or array of author IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to the post archive for each author. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Categories
Turn a string, list, or array of category IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those category archives. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Posts
Turn a string, list, or array of post IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those posts. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Tags
Turn a string, list, or array of tag IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those tag archives. Provides a widget and template tag.
- Linkify Text
List More Custom Field Names
Allows for more existing custom field names to be listed in the dropdown selection field when writing a post.
Loop Post Navigation Links
Template tags (for use in single.php) to create post navigation loop (previous to first post is last post; next/after last post is first post).
Never Moderate Registered Users
Never moderate or mark as spam comments made by registered users, regardless of the apparent spamminess of the comment.
No Browser Nag
Removes the browser nag that appears in the admin dashboard when using a less-than-current web browser.
- No Update Nag
Notifications for Collapsed Admin Menu
Highlights the comments and plugins icons in the collapsed admin sidebar menu when notifications are pending.
- Obfuscate E-mail
Omit Passworded Posts From Search
Prevent passworded posts from being included in site search results.
- One Click Close Comments
Parentless Categories
Provides a template tag like the_category() to list categories assigned to a post except those that have a child category also assigned to the post.
Peer Categories
List the categories that are peer (i.e. share the same category parent) to all lowest-level assigned categories for the specified post.
Post Index Helpers
A variety of template tags related to the index/position of a post within a loop's listing of posts.
Preserve Code Formatting
Preserve formatting of code for display by preventing its modification by WordPress and other plugins while also retaining whitespace.
Quick Drafts Access
Adds links to 'All Drafts' and 'My Drafts' under Posts, Pages, and other custom post type sections in the admin menu.
Random File
Retrieve the name, path, or link to a randomly chosen file or files in a specified directory.
Remember Me Controls
Have "Remember Me" checked by default on the login page and configure how long a login is remembered. Or disable the feature altogether.
Restrict Usernames
Restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site.
- Reveal Template
Safe Function Call
Safely and easily call functions that may not be available (such as those provided by a plugin that gets deactivated)
Show Pending Comments Count
Display the pending comments count next to the approved comments count in the admin listing of posts.
Silent Publish
Adds the ability to publish a post without triggering pingbacks, trackbacks, or notifying update services.
Single Category Permalink
Reduce permalinks (category or post) that include entire hierarchy of categories to just having the lowest level category.
Stealth Publish
Prevent specified posts from being featured on the front page or in feeds, and from notifying external services of publication.
Stealth Update
Adds the ability to update a post without having WordPress automatically update the post's post_modified timestamp.
Text Hover
Add hover text (aka tooltips) to content in posts. Handy for providing explanations of names, terms, phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms.
Text Replace
Replace text with other text. Handy for creating shortcuts to common, lengthy, or frequently changing text/HTML, or for smilies.
Prevent WordPress from converting single and double quotation marks into their curly alternatives, and optionally also convert existing curly quotatio …