- Author: Scott Reilly
- Version: 1.7.3
- First released: 2004-12-21
- Last update: 2012-06-11
- Compatibility: WP 2.2 – 3.4.2
- Download: [ zip ]
- Description:
Display an image for each category associated with a post.
Extended Description
Display an image for each category associated with a post.
This plugin provides the templates tag
which basically reproduces and extends the functionality of WordPress’s core functionthe_category()
to add the ability to display a category image instead of the category name in the link to the category archive. With its $image_extensions argument defaulted to""
, the plugin could be a drop-in replacement forthe_category()
. As is done inthe_category()
, the image or text for each category is also a link back to that category’s archive.Related info about the function:
- If $image_extensions is defined, but no image is found for the category, then nothing is displayed for that category.
- $image_extensions can be defined as a space separated list of image extensions. Files will be checked with the image extensions in the order those extensions were provided; default is ‘png gif jpg’.
- The number of category links/images displayed can be limited via the $limit argument
- Category image tags are defined with class=”catimage” for stylesheet manipulation.
- The result can be filtered via the filter named “c2c_the_category_image”.
Must be run inside “the loop”.
c2c_get_category_image_list() is another provided function, which is identical to
except that it doesn’t echo the result.
Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | Author Homepage
Template Tags
The plugin provides one optional template tag for use in your theme templates.
<?php function c2c_the_category_image( $seperator='', $parents='', $image_extensions='png gif jpg', $image_dir='/wp-content/images/', $use_name_if_no_image=false, $start_from='begin', $limit=999 ) ?>
This displays the image associated with a post’s categories.
Optional argument. The text and/or HTML to appear between each of a post’s category images. -
Optional argument. Allows you to specify if you want ancestor categories of a post’s category to be imaged and linked as well. Valid options are ‘multiple’, ‘single’, and ”. Default is ”. -
Optional argument. A space-separated list of image extensions (case insensitive). If defined as ” then no image is retrieved and the category name is displayed instead (a lathe_category()
). Default is ‘png gif jpg’. -
Optional argument. The directory in which the category image(s) reside. The value should be a location relative to the main URL of your blog. Default is ‘/wp-content/images/’ -
Optional argument. Boolean value (true or false) indicating if the name of the category should be displayed for each category that does not have an associated image. Default is false. -
Optional argument. How to traverse the list of post’s categories; either ‘begin’ or ‘end’. Default is ‘begin’ -
Optional argument. The maximum number of category images to be displayed. Default is 999 (basically, no limit) -
Optional argument. The Post ID. If false, then use the current post (i.e. while in the loop). Default is false.
You can opt to treat only certain categories as having a graphical representation by defining an image for them but not creating images for the non-graphically represented categories (as in you can have a subset of categories that dictate what image to be displayed for the post).
You can take advantage of the $image_extension and/or $image_dir arguments to display different category icons under different contexts, i.e. if showing a $single post, choose to use a ‘png’ image, otherwise use ‘gif’; or locate your images in different directories ‘/wp-content/images/cat-images/small/’ and ‘/wp-content/images/cat-images/large/’ and decide based on context where to get the image(s) from:
// In showing the post singularly, then use a larger image, else use a small image
if ( is_single() ) {
c2c_the_category_image(”, ”, ‘gif’, ‘/wp-content/images/cat-images/large/’);
} else {
c2c_the_category_image(”, ”, ‘gif’, ‘/wp-content/images/cat-images/small/’);
} -
Show all images in a comma-separated line:
Show all images in an unordered list:
Assuming one category per post, just show the category image without further HTML markup:
< ?php c2c_the_category_image(' '); // note the space in the argument, necessary to turn off default
- markups ?>
The plugin exposes two filters and one action for hooking. Typically, customizations utilizing these hooks would be put into your active theme’s functions.php file, or used by another plugin.
c2c_get_category_image (filter)
The ‘c2c_get_category_image’ hook allows you to use an alternative approach to safely invoke
in such a way that if the plugin were deactivated or deleted, then your calls to the function won’t cause errors in your site.Arguments:
- same as for
Instead of:
<?php $cat_images = c2c_get_category_image( $cat ); ?>
<?php $cat_images = apply_filters( 'c2c_get_category_image', $cat ); ?>
c2c_get_the_category_image_list (filter)
The ‘c2c_get_the_category_image_list’ hook allows you to use an alternative approach to safely invoke
in such a way that if the plugin were deactivated or deleted, then your calls to the function won’t cause errors in your site.Arguments:
- same as for
Instead of:
<?php $cat_list = c2c_get_the_category_image_list(); ?>
<?php $cat_list = apply_filters( 'c2c_get_the_category_image_list', '' ); ?>
c2c_the_category_image (action)
The ‘c2c_the_category_image’ hook allows you to use an alternative approach to safely invoke
in such a way that if the plugin were deactivated or deleted, then your calls to the function won’t cause errors in your site.Arguments:
- same as for
Instead of:
<?php c2c_the_category_image(); ?>
<?php do_action( 'c2c_the_category_image' ); ?>
Find out more at the plugin’s WordPress Plugin Repository page.
- Unzip
inside the/wp-content/plugins/
directory (or install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer) - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
- Create category image (.png unless you specify the extension in your call to
) for each category you wish to have an image for, placing the image into the wp-content/images/ directory (unless you specify another location in your call toc2c_the_category_image()
). Remember to give the filename the nice-name version of the category name. - Make use of the
template function in your template (see examples below).
- Unzip
Release Log
- Re-license as GPLv2 or later (from X11)
- Add ‘License’ and ‘License URI’ header tags to readme.txt and plugin file
- Remove ending PHP close tag
- Note compatibility through WP 3.4+
- Note compatibility through WP 3.3+
- Add link to plugin directory page to readme.txt
- Note many TODO ideas
- Update copyright date (2012)
- Note compatibility through WP 3.2+
- Minor code formatting changes (spacing)
- Minor readme.txt formatting changes
- Add plugin homepage and author links in description in readme.txt
- Update copyright date (2011)
- Rename filter ‘c2c_the_category_image’ to ‘c2c_category_image_list’
- Add hooks ‘c2c_get_category_image’ (filter), ‘c2c_get_the_category_image_list’ (filter), and ‘c2c_the_category_image’ (action) to respond to the function of the same name so that users can use the apply_filters() or do_action() notation for invoking template tags
- Change to make leading and trailing forward slashes optional for $image_dir value
- Wrap each global function in function_exists() check
- Remove docs from top of plugin file (all that and more are in readme.txt)
- Note compatibility with WP 2.9+, 3.0+
- Minor tweaks to code formatting (spacing)
- Add Changelog, Filters, and Upgrade Notice sections to readme.txt
- Add PHPDoc documentation
- Add package info to top of plugin file
- Update copyright date
- Remove trailing whitespace
1.6 (unreleased)
- Move plugin into its own sub-directory
- Lots of changes to ensure compatibility with latest releases of WP
- Add function c2c_get_the_category_image_list() and move code from c2c_the_category_image() into it (but non-echoing though)
- Change c2c_the_category_image() to simply echo result of c2c_get_the_category_image_list()
- Use $cat->name instead $cat->cat_name
- Use term_id instead of cat_ID
- Allow filter of result via the filter named “c2c_the_category_image”.
- Add readme.txt
- Minor code formatting changes
- Add installation instructions
- Change plugin description
- Change Plugin URI
- Change Author URI
- Note compatibility with WP 2.3+, 2.5+
- Update copyright date
- Compatibility fix for WP1.5.1
- Same as v1.0 but compatible with WP1.5+
- Change to accommodate new get_category_link() arguments
- Last version compatible with WP 1.2
- Add argument $use_name_if_no_image=false to allow showing cat name if no image was located
- Tweaks to update c2c_the_category_image() with changes made to the_category() (mostly rel= stuff)
- Change default category images directory from /wp-images/ to /wp-content/images/
- Fix a pair of typos that prevented images from showing
- Now supports listing multiple image extensions
- Prepended all functions with “c2c_” to avoid potential function name collision with other plugins or future core functions… NOTE: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the plugin, you’ll need to change your calls from the_category_image() to c2c_category_image()
- Change from BSD-new license to MIT license
- Initial public release
Copyright & Disclaimer
Copyright © 2004-2025 by Scott Reilly (aka coffee2code)This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -
Discussion / Support
Have any questions, comments, or suggestions? Please provide them via the plugin’s WordPress.org support forum. I’ll do my best to reply in a timely fashion and help as best I can.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide guaranteed support, nor do I provide support via any other means.
Was this plugin useful useful to you? Consider giving it a rating. If you’re inclined to give it a poor rating, please first post to the support forum to give me a chance to address or explain the situation.