I’d like to announce the official release of the updated Disable Search plugin (v1.3) for WordPress.
Disable the search capabilities of WordPress.
For more details, instructions, and the download link, visit the plugin’s official homepage at :
This release primarily adds a notice to the main themes and plugins admin pages if the active theme has a searchform.php template (since due to limitations in WordPress, this plugin cannot prevent that template from being shown) and notes WordPress 3.3+ compatibility.
Comments welcome on this post for this version of the plugin. Comments will be closed once this release has been superseded by another.
Read more for a detailed ChangeLog of the release.
Detailed ChangeLog
These are the detailed changes, which may or may not make sense to you depending on your familiarity with the previous features and internals of the plugin.
- Add notice to main themes and plugins admin pages if active theme has searchform.php template
- Note compatibility through WP 3.3+
- Add version() to return plugin version
- Add more documentation and FAQ questions to readme.txt
- Add link to plugin directory page to readme.txt
- Update copyright date (2012)