I’d like to announce the official release of the updated Admin Trim Interface plugin (v2.2) for WordPress.
Customize the WordPress admin pages by selectively removing interface elements.
Recommended update! This release adds WP 3.3 compatibility and drops support for versions of WP older than 3.1. NOTE: The next release of this plugin — v2.3 — will remove support for versions of WP older than 3.3.
The plugin’s official homepage is located at :
Comments welcome on this post for this version of the plugin. Comments will be closed once this release has been superseded by another.
Read more for a detailed ChangeLog of the release.
Detailed ChangeLog
These are the detailed changes, which may or may not make sense to you depending on your familiarity with the previous features and internals of the plugin.
- NOTE: v2.3 will remove support for versions of WP earlier than 3.3
- Add ‘hide_avatar’ setting
- Add hide_help_tabs(), clear_contextual_help(), admin_bar_menu()
- Only add filter on gettext when WP older than 3.3
- Reposition legend image via CSS
- Adjust selection logic for legend image (based on new WP version and images being renamed)
- Add new screenshot-1.png for WP 3.3 and rename remaining images with one number higher
- Bugfix: check if ‘hide_favorite_actions’ validly applies to this WP version before using it
- Mark pre-WP3.3 code in anticipation of removal in next feature release
- Update plugin framework to 031
- Remove support for global $c2c_admin_trim_interface variable
- Change parent constructor invocation
- Explicitly declare methods public
- Note compatibility through WP 3.3+
- Drop support for versions of WP older than 3.1
- Create ‘lang’ subdirectory and move .pot file into it
- Regenerate .pot
- Update screenshots for WP 3.3
- Add link to plugin directory page to readme.txt
- Update copyright date (2012)