Package/plugin/module WordPress

Restrict Usernames v1.1

I’d like to announce the official release of the updated Restrict Usernames plugin (v1.1) for WordPress.

Restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site.

This release is a minor update that adds a “Settings” link next in the plugin’s admin plugin page listing (shortcut to the existing Users → Name Restrictions link) and fixes a hardcoded path. This release is fully compatible with WordPress through v2.8+, but support has been dropped for versions of WordPress older than v2.6.

The plugin’s official homepage is located at :

Comments welcome on this post for this version of the plugin. Comments will be closed once this release has been superseded by another.

Read more for a detailed ChangeLog of the release.

Detailed ChangeLog

These are the detailed changes, which may or may not make sense to you depending on your familiarity with the previous features and internals of the plugin.

  • Added ‘Settings’ link for plugin on admin Plugins page
  • Noted compatibility through 2.8+
  • Dropped compatibility with versions of WP older than 2.6

3 replies on “Restrict Usernames v1.1”

Hi Scott,
I am quite interested in this plugin, I am using WordPress for teaching purposes, and the students self register. I have configured the blog so that they can authenticate using their regular student account details, for this to work they have to use a corrrectly structured user name. They do not seem so good at following instructions, and I spend some of my time deleting “bad” accounts.
I see your plugin can:
“Prevent official username syntax from being used (i.e. if all of your admins use a prefix to identify themselves, you don’t want a visitor to use that prefix)”
I would like to work in reverse, so that the user must achieve a partial match on the user name. Is this possible? (Sorry, but I’m rubbish at php)

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