I’d like to announce the first official release of the Get Upcoming or Past Posts plugin (v1.0) for WordPress.
Display upcoming (today + future) or past (before today) posts in an easily customizable manner. A supplement to the Customizable Post Listings plugin.
The plugin’s official homepage is located at :
This new plugin is part of coffee2code’s bonus extended 14 Days of Plugins (new plugin #20).
Comments welcome on this post for this version of the plugin. Comments will be closed once this release has been superseded by another.
3 replies on “Get Upcoming or Past Posts v1.0”
Great plugin, really i like this, thanks for desgingin in a such a wonderful way, Act in my website there is a custom filed to display image,
when i used that in %post_custom(field,format,none)% field, its displaying Path to Image instead of image, Can you please suggest how can i do this…
Any how finally its worked for me when i used
Once again thanka for the wonderfull Plugin
slekha: Great to hear! Also, did you wrap your code examples in the <code> tag?