The Top/Recent Commenters plugin has been officially deprecated and is no longer being developed or supported. The plugin had actually been deprecated some time ago, but since it was still available for download, and it largely continued to work despite updates to WordPress, there have been a surprising number of people who continued (or newly) used it.
I debated whether or not to update and reactivate the plugin, but ultimately decided the extra overhead of keeping it alive wasn’t worth it when Customizable Comment Listings does everything Top/Recent commenters did, plus tons more, and it’s just as easy (or easier) to use.
So, if Top/Recent Commenters was a plugin you used, or one that sounded like it would interest you, I’d advise you to use my far superior Customizable Comment Listings plugin.
This plugin was updated as part of coffee2code’s 14 Days of Plugins (updated plugin #17).