
14 Days of Plugins

Hard to believe it’s been three years (almost to the day) since I launched my 7 Days of Plugins promotion. For that endeavor I sought to release one new plugin a day and update at least one existing plugin per day. In the end, I managed to release ten new plugins and update everything I had previously released.

I figured a similar promotion would be an appropriate means of announcing my return to more public involvement with WordPress. But of course I’d have to go beyond what I had done before. So I’m happily announcing the imminent 14 Days of Plugins.

The plugins will start flowing on March 31st.

The premise is essentially the same: a new plugin a day, and at least an update of an existing plugin a day, for 14 days. That means at least 14 new plugins, and updates to my existing ~20 plugins.

Expect some existing plugins to become deprecated. But for the others, they will gain (or, in some cases, verify) support for WordPress 2.3+ and 2.5. In just about all cases they will also see bugfixes, improvements, and new features.

As for the new plugins, they vary in their natures, so there may be at least one or two that may strike your fancy.

Of interest to many would be the fact that Customizable Post Listings will be updated to v3.0, with lots of changes!


Here’s the running tally of new and updated plugins as they are released:

New Plugins:

  1. Custom Post Limits v1.0
  2. No Update Nag v1.0
  3. If File Exists v1.0
  4. Custom Admin Post Listing v1.1
  5. Safe Function Call v1.0
  6. Linkify Post IDs v1.0
  7. Stealth Publish v1.0
  8. Disable Directory Listings v1.0
  9. HTML Special Characters Helper v1.0
  10. Get User Custom Field Values v1.0.1
  11. Custom Fields For Anything v1.0
  12. Single Category Permalink v1.0
  13. Commenter Emails v1.0
  14. Configure SMTP v2.0
  15. BONUS! Even more plugins quickly followed! 7 Bonus Plugins

Updated Plugins:

  1. Customizable Post Listings v3.0.1
  2. Get Custom Field Values v2.5
  3. Auto-hyperlink URLs v3.0
  4. Obfuscate E-mail v2.0
  5. wpuntexturize v1.0
  6. Random File v1.5
  7. Never Moderate Admin or Post Author (deprecated)
  8. No Duplicate Comments (deprecated)
  9. Notification Disabler (deprecated)
  10. Sync Draft Slug and Title (deprecated)
  11. Customizable Comment Listings v2.0
  12. Text Replace v2.0
  13. Dynamic Text Replace v2.0
  14. Hide/Cut Post Text v2.0
  15. Easy Post-to-Post Links v2.0
  16. Preserve Code Formatting v2.0
  17. Top/Recent Commenters (re-deprecated)
  18. wpPHPMailer (deprecated)
  19. Category Image(s) v1.5
  20. Author Image(s) v2.0

26 replies on “14 Days of Plugins”

I’m so in.

Even after three years, some of your plugins are still widely in use, so updates will be very popular, I’m guessing. As for the new plugins… can’t wait to see what you come up with.

*navigates to dashboard > plugins and waits*

I’m interested in your plug-ins, but honestly, I want to know if you have it set up so anyone can leave replies, not just members. If so I think that would be good on my site as I have some family and friends who do not like to sign up for things.

Hey Scott,

Lorelle was so exciting at WordCamp Dallas 2008 to tell everybody, that you came back and roll out a whopping number of 14 new plugins and updated your current plugins. Unbelievable effort.

Your work is greatly appreciated by the WordPress community.

Thanks all!

Cass: Hide/Cut Post Text will certain get updated along with the rest of my plugins. I’ll not have tested it with WPMU, would would appreciate hearing about it success, or lack thereof, for it!

by the way, I’m pretty curious to know how much time you dedicate to this during the day and if new plugins are invented “on the fly” or you had a long list of “todo” plugins 😉

AND, while we are at it, if you accept ideas, a UI to change the menu_order field would be very useful to handle the new 2.5 galleries 😉

Impressive release schedule on the coffee2code 14 day celebration.

This makes WP 2.5 upgrade season more exciting, with more tweaks to try besides just the new features announced for the core. In other words some of the plugins are more appealing as new features than some of the things touted for the new 2.5 itself. As far as being something I will actually use.

I have used various of your plugins for a long time now. Thanks for keeping on.

帰ってきた「Customizable Post Listings」…

「Customizable Post Listings」「Get Custom Field Values」「Auto-hyperlink URLs」など、有名なWordPressのプラグインを開発してきたcoffe2codeがリニューアルされ、上記プラグインを始めとする多数の新しいプ…

Hey everyone,

I love the site and will openly admit I am new to wordpress…. question for u. What plugin are you using to get these fields. Or put another way, how do you customize the comment fields?

Sorry for being a noob,


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