This plugin has been deprecated! It is no longer being developed and there will not be any continued support for it. Comments to this post are also now closed.
Fear not, for the essence of the plugin continues on in my Configure SMTP plugin.
Since I didn’t want to install and run sendmail merely to support WordPress’s notifications, I opted to have WordPress send directly to the mail server. Fortunately, PHPMailer provides all the functionality I wanted to use (and more). This plugin makes use of PHPMailer (and one slight core code change) to negate the need for sendmail. In addition, by using PHPMailer a host of other mail features could be exploited. For instance, the plugin supports:
- Auto-wordwrap length for message
- Single or multiple SMTP servers
- Hard-coding of all notification origination e-mail addresses (i.e. have all e-mail “From:” fields set to something like “gro.etisymnull@sserpdrow” rather than the e-mail of the commenter)
- Support for authenticating and non-authenticating SMTP servers
- HTML in addition to plaintext ContentTypes for the message body
Special note for upgraders: If you are upgrading from a version of this plugin prior to 1.5 you will have to make note of the settings you had previously set in the wp-phpmailer.php file and re-enter them via the plugin’s new admin options page.
- Unzip/unpack the plugin distribution file into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
[Unless you wish to alternatively install the full PHPMailer yourself, then instead do this:
- Obtain the PHPMailer package from
- Extract the contents into your wp-content/plugins/ directory (this should create a subdirectory called something like ‘phpmailer-1.72’
- Rename the directory created in (b.) to ‘wp-phpmailer’
NOTE: This plugin was last tested against PHPMailer version 1.72. The plugin distribution file only contains the English-language file for PHPMailer; many other language files are available from the official PHPMailer distribution
- [Skip this step unless you chose to install PHPMailer yourself]
Copy the file wp-phpmailer.php from the plugin distribution file into your wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmailer/ directory - Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin ‘Plugins’ page.
- In WordPress’s Admin section, click the Options tab. Then click the “wpPHPMailer” subtab. Adjust the configuration options to suit your situation. Be sure to change the very first option, which tells WP to use wpPHPMailer instead of the built-in mailer.
NOTE: If you are using WP 1.5.1 or later, you do not have to do anything else. Just be aware that you cannot have more than one plugin activated that attempts to override the core WP function, wp_mail(). If you activate this plugin and do not see the “wpPHPMailer” tab under “Options” in the Admin section, then you *may* have mail plugin conflicts.
- For those using a version of WP prior to 1.5.1 : In the WordPress core file wp-includes/functions.php, find and replace the single occurrence of “function wp_mail(” with “function old_wp_mail(“
function wp_mail($user, $subject, $message, $headers, $htmlmessage='')
This is a helper function that retrieves the URL of the image for a specified category. Returns ” if no image was found:
- $user : The user sending the e-mail (i.e.; “Some Guy” <>)
- $subject : The e-mail Subject:
- $message : The e-mail message body, of the ContentType “text/plain” variety
- $headers : (optional) Custom e-mail headers; default is ”
- $htmlmessage : (optional) If defined, then the e-mail will be sent with mixed ContentTypes, a “text/html” part using $htmlmessage and an alternate “text/plain” part using $message.
- WordPress Support Forum announcement of wpPHPMailer.
- 29 July 2005 : v1.6 released (long delayed) — Now takes advantage of the pluggability of wp_mail() in WP 1.5.1+ so that NO core file editing is necessary to utilize this plugin; also, potentially fixed a pathname problem that occurred on Windows servers
- 02 Apr 2005 : v1.5 released —
- Added option page for plugin in WP’s admin section
- Options now stored in the WP database and no longer in the plugin’s file
- Instructions updated to pertain to WordPress v1.5
- License changed from BSD-New to MIT
- 17 Aug 2004 : v1.01 released — Slight fix to header handling so “From:” isn’t duplicated
- 16 Aug 2004 : v1.0 released — Now fully compliant as drop-in replacement for mail():
- $headers argument defaulted to ”
- if $headers is not defined, then no choice but to use hardcoded From: values; if $headers is defined and $use_hardcoded_FROM_values is true, try to set the Reply-To: field to be header From: value (if defined)
- defaults hardcoded e-mail address as the admin’s e-mail address; defaults From: name as “Blog Admin”
- 27 Jul 2004 : v0.93 released — now returns boolean value to indicate success (true) or failure (false) of the mailing; a minor tweak; documentation change at the top of the file to reflect item noted in 13 Jul update. (Thanks, Will!)
- 13 Jul 2004 : Updated documentation to reflect the need to change “mail()” call to “phpmailer()” in wp-login.php for password retrieval.
- 11 Jul 2004 : v0.92 released — slight fix due to the boolean setting
being used with opposite logic. Also left hardcoded From: fields uncommented (they aren’t used unless the aforementioned setting is set ‘true’. (Thanks again, Ricardo!) - 09 Jul 2004 : v0.91 released — fix so that root@localhost doesn’t appear as the From: field (Thanks, Ricardo!)
- 28 Jun 2004 : v0.9 released to the public
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by Scott Reilly (aka coffee2code)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
127 replies on “Plugin: wpPHPMailer”
I need this for my blog, but my server requires pop3 before smtp authentication…. Scott, would you be able to create a second version of this utilizing the code authored by Richard Davey found at his site here:
I would attempt, but I admit I am not a programmer and would appreciate your time involved in doing this. Thanks Dude, awesome work on this!
I use this plugin on antother site and it works really well.
[…] Jako, ?e blog jest na darmowym hostingu, funkcja mail() jest niedost?pna. W zwi?zku z tym zainstalowa?em tydzie? temu wtyczk? wpPHPmailer, jako konta e-mail u?y?em w?a?nie skrzynk? z Skutki – prócz kilku (cudem) dostarczonych wiadomo?ci na pocz?tku, ZERO skuteczno?ci. Wywali?em wi?c konto na z TheBat!’a i za?o?y?em nowe na Jak dot?d nigdy mnie nie zawiod?o i mia?bym na nim nadal swoje g?ówne konto, gdyby nie reklamy portalu. Jednak w funkcji skrzynki pomocniczej, do rozsy?ania powiadomie? spisuje si? ?wietnie – wiadomo?ci dochodz? po kilku sekundach od opublikowania komentarza. Jest tylko problem z polskimi znakami, ale dam sobie z nim rad?. Wniosek: konta e-mail na NIE nadaj? si? do rozsy?ania powiadomie? przy korzystaniu z wtyczki PHPmailer. stycze? 13, 2007 | Inne | […]
[…] If you run any version of WordPress on a WeFaction hosted account you’ll run into the problem of sendmail being disabled so none of the notification mails get sent out. The way around this is to install the wpPHPMailer plug-in which uses SMTP instead. To get around the catch-22 of needing it installed to get your WP password, you’ll have to do the WP install, then go into phpMyAdmin and change your password using the MD5 function in the wp_users table and then login and enable the plugin and set the mail server options. […]
How to use wpPHPmailer –> WP 2.1?
ps.: I’m a brasilian boy and I don’t speak english very well… 🙂
I have been struggling all day to get this working with WPMU. Seems to be impossible. Any advice?
[…] Por más que le he dado vueltas a la función mail() de PHP, no he sabido encontrar la causa del mal funcionamiento de Share This. Así que he optado por otra solución: instalar el plugin wpPHPMailer, y configurar el blog para que envíe correo a través de un servidor SMTP, en vez de la función mail() o wp_mail(), que es la que utiliza el plugin Share This. Todavía me queda algún cabo que atar (detalles de los campos de los correos y de la traducción), pero el invento ya carbura. […]
[…] Coincidiendo con la instalación del Comment-Policy, he decidido crear una página fija de normas de participación, nada original, por cierto, que recoge la política de La Bitácora del Tigre respecto a la aceptación de comentarios, y otra de contacto, en la que aparece un formulario destinado a acoger las intervenciones de aquellos usuarios que no desean que sus intervenciones en el blog se muestren públicamente. Para la página de contacto he estado probando diversos plugins, pero de momento no he conseguido que ninguno de ellos envíe los correos que se supone que tienen que enviar (un problema que ya tuve con el Share This, y que solventé instalando el plugin wpPHPMailer). […]
[…] wpPHPMailer by Coffee2Code. This plugin "enables WordPress to send e-mail via SMTP instead of via PHP’s mail() function (aka sendmail)." And yes, it works with WordPress 2.1.2. […]
I tried it on a 2.1.2 WordPress, and it doesn’t run. It appears at the “Plugins” section, I activate it, I configure it at the “Options/wpPHPMailer”, but when someone registers as a new user, doesn’t receive any e-mail.
[…] that combats the issue with WordPress installs on IIS not sending registration emails. The plugin wpPHPMailer allows WordPress to use an SMTP server of your choice to send mail, instead of using the native […]
[…] Thanks for stopping by. This site is proudly powered by WordPress, MySQL, PHP, and wp-phpmailer. […]
WOW! Your plugin is awesome. I’m a web designer who also resells web hosting. Just this week I set up a WordPress Blog for a client who is a teacher. I tried to register a test user but never received the email. I suspected that WordPress used the PHP sendmail function. My Windows IIS server will only send mail through SMTP authentication. I found a link to your web site after searching the WordPress forum. I immediately knew your plugin was exactly what I needed. Your instructions were easy to follow, and I just received the registration email. Thank you!!!
[…] For email handling, we found wPhpMailer. […]
[…] […]
[…] For email handling, we found wPhpMailer. […]
[…] easily integrate the phpMailer class into your WordPress installation using a great plugin named wpPHPMailer which does all the work for […]
Thanks for some nice plugins. I look forward to testing this and a few others you’ve posted out shortly.
WP 2.1.2 with this plugin confirm working! try it!
[…] happy beyond belief… Finally fixed my problems with wordpress sending mail, thanks to This nifty little plugin for wordpress. Now it comes from the right address… I’ve given up on sendmail, at least for wordpress, […]
[…] by WordPress doesn’t appear to work under Windows. The solution I found is to install the wpPHPMailer plugin which allows you to configure WordPress to use any SMTP server to send the […]
[…] : télécharger et activer le plugin wpPHPMailer par Scott Reilly dans wp-content/plugins/ pour permettre à WordPress d’envoyer les […]
[…] via PHP function mail() but that they would look into it. In the mean time the tech suggested using this plugin which basically interfaces directly with an SMTP server to send out notifications and ‘lost […]
I am trying to get the phpmailer all set up. But I dont know how to fill in the settings. i’m still learning all this stuff…
SMTP mail server:
SMTP server requires authentication? (If checked, specify authentication settings below.)
SMTP mail username:
SMTP mail password:
Wordwrap length:
Use hardcoded from values?
Hardcoded From e-mail:
Hardcoded From name:
What do i put in each of these fields. Please give real examples, or tell me where i can find this info for my site…. otherwise i probably still wont get it
jay: This plugin has been deprecated. (See the note I’ve added to the top of this page.) Use Configure SMTP (also linked above) instead.
[…] but the way mail is implemented just seems bizarre. I eventually got it working, and decided to use the wpPHPMailer plugin for […]
[…] wpPHPMailer: Una alternativa al sistema de correo por defecto. Permite mandar los mensajes directamente a los hosts SMTP e incluir contenido HTML en el correo. […]