Here’s the fully enumerated steps undertaken to install WordPress.
- Via webmin, added myself as a user
- Created the database ‘wordpress’
- Had to create the /usr/local/etc/php.ini file (using php.ini-recommended as the basis)
- Apache (all are in reference to /usr/local/etc/apache/httpsd.conf)
- Added the ‘DirectoryIndex’ directive, which for some reason wasn’t present
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
- Ensured the following lines were present:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
- [Though I had actually done this after the actual install, this could just as easily have been done at this point] Turned mod_rewrite on for vhost:
RewriteEngine On
- Added the ‘DirectoryIndex’ directive, which for some reason wasn’t present
- Downloaded latest release, 1.2.
- scp’d file to server. unzipped in root dir of the site. mv’d all the files up a directory since they unpacked into the “wordpress” subdir.
- Modified wp-config-sample.php by giving it my mySQL username, password, db name, and db table prefix and renamed it to wp-config.php.
- Logged in to
- step 1 -> ok
step 2 -> entered site name
step 3 -> noted temp pw - Logged in; changed user profile info
- Configured the site via the Admin interface’s ‘Options’
- Moved /wp-admin/install.php to /wp-admin/orig.install.php